Following is an indicative list of workshops to be held at the Gold Coast Permaculture site at 270 Ferry Road Southport to 20 April, 2013. Any additional workshops to be provided will be published in advance on our main page and a full description provided.
18/08/2012 | 9 to 12 noon | Organic Gardening & Compost | Justin |
8/09/2012 | 10 to 12 noon | Chooks | Peter & Min Feng |
6/10/2012 | 10 to 12 noon | Fermenting, Sprouts & Nutrition | Vanessa & Sylvia |
27/10/2012 | 9 to 12 noon | Herbs, Worms & Soil health | Dan & Justin |
3/11/2012 | 9 to 1 p.m. | Open Day at 270 & Thank you Day | Everyone |
17/11/2012 | 10 to 12 noon | Casava & Sub Tropical | Vanessa & Justin |
8/12/2012 | 10 to 12 noon | Native Bees | Martin |
19/01/2013 | 9 to 12 noon | Cheese Making | Martin |
2/02/2013 | 9 to 1 p.m. | Open Day & Garden Tour at 270 | Everyone |
16/02/2013 | 10 to 12 noon | Backyard honey production and bee behaviour | Charles |
9/03/2013 | 10 to 12 noon | Seed Raising | Dan |
30/03/2013 | 10 to 12 noon | Introduction to Permaculture | John |
20/04/2013 | 10 to 12 noon | Herbs | Dan |